includes Announcements from March 30, 2025 ServicE

join us on Sunday as we continue our series “Shaping Your Future Self.

English as a second language (ESL) is on Wednesday from 7-9 PM

Friday Family night, prayer and bible study at 7 PM. We are studying the exciting book of Acts.

Spring Cleaning will be on April 5th from 9;00AM - 12:00 PM. Volunteers are needed to do the cleanup required to keep God’s property well cared for.

VBS Team meeting and training will be held on April 6th during the refreshment time. please signup for the area you desire and are skilled for and plan to attend the meeting on April 6th.

The Council has determined that we should return to our prior way of providing refreshments and assign responsibilities on a rotating basis to bring one item for a specific purpose (meat, salad, dessert, etc.) starting the second Sunday of April. If you need to trade responsibility, it will be up to you to find someone able to swap places.

next Food pantry distribution is saturday, april 12, 2025 at 12:00 to 2:00 PM. We are now serving over 70 families and would welcome Anyone bringing donations or volunteering to help sort and distribute food (come at 11:00 AM.) Contact the church if you are interested.

Please drop off canned food/non-perishable foods for the church food pantry on Sundays when you come to worship service in the Walker Hall We are currently low on almost everything!

OUR WEEKLY SUNDAY SERVICE WITH PASTOR LOUIS and the worship team, is streamed on facebook ON SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 11 AM.